Google Firebase vs Backendless

October 14, 2021

Google Firebase vs Backendless

Choosing the right cloud application is incredibly important for any business, and understandably challenging when there are so many available. In this blog post, we will provide you with a comparison between two of the most popular cloud applications: Google Firebase and Backendless. By the end of the article, you will have the knowledge to decide which one suits you best.


Google Firebase is known for its robust and scalable suite of tools that assist developers in building mobile and web applications. It offers a Database, Hosting, Analytics, Cloud messaging and more. Backendless, on the other hand, is famous for providing an all-in-one platform for mobile applications with its backend-centric features e.g. database management, user authentication and so on. However, both have unique features that set them apart.


Google Firebase

  • Hosting: Deploy your web applications with ease with its fast web hosting
  • Real-time database management: Providing real-time data synchronization between server and client
  • Analytics: Track your user engagement, and understand your app better
  • Cloud messaging: Directly send messages to our clients with Firebase cloud messaging service
  • Robust Security: Authenticate and manage client access to keep your data safe and secure


  • Backend management: Simplified management of app’s backend which includes database management, file storage, user authentication, cloud code, API validation, serverless functions, and AI services.
  • Codeless: Implement complex features without writing a line of code
  • Integrated Development Environment(IDE): Integrated console with everything that a mobile developer needs to build the next million-dollar apps.
  • Instant scaling: Ability to handle a massive number of data transactions without any delay.
  • Serverless architecture: Use serverless functions to simplify application extensions.


Google Firebase

Firebase provides a free tier with limited resources, which includes storage up to 1GB, hosting for up to 10 unique domains, and Firestore database usage. Additionally, the company offers "pay as you go plans" for instance, Google charges for storage, outgoing networking, and incoming networking.


Backendless offers a 14 day free trial and after that its pricing includes, Cloud99 for $99/month, Cloud299 for $299/month or custom plans so you only pay for what you use.


On the pricing front, both applications offer free tiers for developers to try before subscribing to their larger plans. The larger plans differ based on the features they provide, ensuring you don't pay for something you don't need. That said, Google firebase is relatively cheaper as compared to Backendless pricing.


Google Firebase has a much better load speed than Backendless, with Google's servers processing data faster in most parts of the world, but Backendless is still a great option due to its scalability and ability to handle high traffic when required.

Final Verdict

Both Google Firebase and Backendless are excellent platforms for building scalable applications. However, which one you choose to use entirely depends on your particular needs.

Go for Backendless If you require all-in-one backend-centric features for your mobile application or want to make use of its server-based architecture.

Go for Firebase in case you want a robust and scalable toolset with fast web hosting, integrated cloud services and Firebase UI libraries.

We hope that this comparison has cleared your doubts and helps you in making an informed decision.


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